
Body Type @ Brighton Up Bar, 2nd Sep


“The absolute best thing about hanging out in dark little venues all the time is when you catch a band’s first ever gig. Tonight it’s Body Type’s turn to join the scene, who kick off their live debut with the immortal line “thanks for coming out to see us… suckers!” Chutzpah before a note is even played in anger is plainly worthy of great respect. As, also, are the tunes. This is rarely excitable stuff (and there’s a lot of amusing concentration going on as they try and remember the songs), but it’s got that twisted Pavement thing going on with the guitars, that needling habit of plucking out notes that have no business being there but clearly couldn’t be anywhere else. They’re also – charmingly and all too rarely – utterly delighted about being there. By the end of their first ever set, so am I.