
Clews @ The Captain Cook, 14th Sep


Clews are built around two sisters, Lily and Grace, whose surnames I’m really hoping aren’t the obvious Clews (or, to be more numerically correct, Clew). In fact, I’m spending much of the time before they come on reconciling myself to the fact that they are probably and regrettably not named after the ball of thread used by Theseus to find his way out of the labyrinth. Oh hey, look who read the second Google result on the page when you search for “Clews”! Me! Ace journalism, right there. Anyway. They’re in duo mode tonight, just two voices and two guitars and it’s simple and sunny and creamy, like a picnic in the park. Their harmonies are the star of the show, a genuinely lovely sound that soars around the Captain Cook like a bird on the wind. They play a couple of newer ones, and end on their “Feel” release, a delight of an ending to the prettiest set I’ve heard in a while. They’re playing Sad Grrrls Fest in October, go see them then.”