
Djanaba @ The Lady Hampshire, 15th Feb

“Djanaba’s trilling voice is a counterweight to its frequently hefty blows, a flutter of delicate wings that are more than capable of laying you flat out. The beats shine like fireflies, weaving between precise pitter-patter and thudding four-four, while that voice hypnotises with its left before landing a killer blow with its right.” Gallery Learn […]

Most Playlisted

Most Playlisted: Phoebe Go

Phoebe Go has been consistently backed by the best playlists in Australia whenever a new track is released, but she starts the year with more playlist adds than literally anyone else, the first time she’s topped the tree. If there’s any justice in the world, it won’t be the last time either. Most Playlisted This […]


Djanaba – Way We Move

“Djanaba’s vocal is smooth with deceit, seemingly a gentle brush on the skin but hiding sharp teeth that bare unexpectedly throughout this excellent track. Echoes of UK Garage lurk in the beats for a super-high bop factor, but it’s the fangs in the vocal that leave the deepest marks 🦷”