
Molly & The Krells – Expectations

Even if you ignored the fact that Molly & The Krellsโ€™ latest punctures the egos of no-talent show-ponies, laughs at anyone who does a Xmas album, and has a chorus that is patently about a night out (or playing) at Frankieโ€™s in Sydney, youโ€™d STILL end up with a massive banger that should be taught […]


Molly & The Krells @ Frankie’s, 1st Nov

“Molly & The Krells are carrying a royal flush tonight and just lay down their unbeatable cards, one by one, song by song. Everything here is superbly crafted, every tone, every note, every beat, every soaring bloody chorus. I could honestly listen to these songs until my legs collapsed into dust, the sound of joy […]