
Fanzine #07 | Sep 2023

September was exhausting, a non-stop riot of relentless, glorious stage action and song. From The Belair Lip Bombs(this month’s cover photo) to The Vanns to Luca Brasi to Private Wives, it was just one killer set after another. As if the shows weren’t enough, there was one killer new releases after the other too, with […]


Private Wives @ The Duke Of Enmore, 30th Sep

“Private Wives stand staunch and firm against the many, many injustices of the world, a hot blast of fiery contempt and eye-rolling aimed squarely at the necessary targets. Do everything they say – and nothing they say not to – and the world will be a better place for it.” Gallery Learn More Instagram

New Music

Private Wives – Thirsty

“Private Wives send the dick pic brigade a brutally direct message on their latest, a roaring blast of contempt that’s enough to sear the paint off the tiles. This is a fearsome set of knuckles to the throat, with a follow up blow to the more sensitive parts for good measure πŸ₯Š”


Private Wives @ The Duke Of Enmore, 29th Jan

“Watching Private Wives is like having your face pressed to the hot side of the pan, just to make sure the right amount of searing is applied. Aggressive without malice, fearsome without evil, it’s as celebratory as it is a field-length kick to the parts.” Gallery Learn More Facebook | Instagram