“We Are Not Robots latest is as well-defined and heavy-set as ever, but is delivered with an extra slice of precision, a hefty side order of thump 🥊”
We Are Not Robots – Pure Nothing

“We Are Not Robots latest is as well-defined and heavy-set as ever, but is delivered with an extra slice of precision, a hefty side order of thump 🥊”
We Are Not Robots’ latest doesn’t so much let the brakes off as cut the lines, mash the accelerator, and close its eyes. Travelling at unsafe speeds of at least a thousand words a minute, it barrels around the room and inside your head, crashing into the inside of your skull and leaving tire tracks […]
“We Are Not Robots are in three-piece mode tonight, and it’s a savage noise they conjure, serrated and threatening. It might sound like it’s going for your throat more than usual, but it’s as hard to escape as ever.” Facebook | Instagram | Twitter Subscribe to The Underground Stage Playlist Thirty freshly-released goodies from the […]
“We Are Not Robots have been joined by their new guitarist Ava, and you will be unsurprised to discover this has not made them any quieter. New single ‘Just Lie Again’ rings out loud alongside their muscular set made of guitar hurricanes, laying waste to crops and farmland for miles around.” Facebook | Instagram | […]
“Anyone who has seen We Are Not Robots will be aware of the scope and scale of their impressive sound, but the addition of the imperious Jess (The Mis-Made, Jessamine, Raising Ravens) damn sure hasn’t made them any quieter. This additional weapon in the arsenal makes them a dangerous foe indeed.” Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
“We Are Not Robots have, like most other bands these days, just emerged from gig hibernation. Like most other bands too, they’re not only hilariously happy to be back on stage, but sound somehow tougher. This pandemic has stripped bands of their “fun” edges – every note played in anger matters more now. It’s not […]
“We Are Not Robots have always been capable of knocking down trees and buildings with precision strikes, but there are rougher edges tonight alongside the usual tonnage. The last couple of times I saw them, I got crushed by the songs because they meant it – tonight it feels like I’m just collateral damage as […]
“We Are Not Robots have always had the skill of scale, making huger structures than a three-piece really should be able to. The scale’s still here tonight, but with an added layer of riot, the sound of enormous buildings collapsing on themselves. A grand explosion.” Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
“We Are Not Robots are maddeningly precise. It’s like getting beaten up by a surgeon. Every note & thump & rumble is spot-on, and it’s all the size of that one fucking massive kangaroo with the huge biceps. It’s made out of the business end of a quarry, and pummels into you like being run […]