New Music

Ceres – 666

“Many years in the making, Ceres’ album is finally out in the world, and its extra time in the barrel gives a smoky, mature piece of work that’s chock full of surprise and wonder, right down to the last drop”

New Music

Ceres – Britney Spears

“Another top-tier track is revealed from the upcoming album, and if this and the previous single are the standard, this glorious band are going to have an album of the year contender on their hands”

Gig Guide

Gigs This Week In Sydney [24-28 Jul]

Sydney’s got some spicy little numbers on offer this week, including: —- wed 24th thu 25th fri 26th sat 27th sun 28th —- πŸ€”Wait, wtf is this? Looking at the various gig guides out there, these are the shows by emerging, independent, or DIY artists that get my pulse going – this isn’t a complete […]

New Music

Ceres – Want/Need

“Back with new music after five years, Ceres bring us both what we wanted and what we needed from them, a blast of joyous music-making, ringing and soaring. You get the impression it was just what they needed too. A happy return, warmly delivered and even more warmly received 😍”