Most Playlisted

Most Playlisted: Polish Club, Great Gable, Kaiit

Most Playlisted This Week A lot of the best Australian new music playlists updated this week, and featured a lot of tracks (48% more than last week!) but in the end it was Kaiit, Great Gable, and Polish Club who shared the top spot, gaining the most adds on the lists. πŸ₯‡Great Gable, Kaiit, Polish […]

Most Playlisted

Most Playlisted: Alex Lahey, Big Scary, Elizabeth M. Drummond

It was a tough run at the top of the list this week, with Alex Lahey, Big Scary, and Elizabeth M. Drummond all sharing top honours. πŸ₯‡Alex Lahey, Big Scary, Elizabeth M. Drummond πŸ₯ˆJulia Jacklin πŸ₯‰ KANADA THE LOOP, Lola Scott, Royel Otis, Vetta Borne For me, Alex Lahey wins the race this week because […]