Most Playlisted

Most Playlisted: aleksiah, Amyl & The Sniffers, EGOISM, JK-47

Most Playlisted This Week A madly busy week for quality releases saw the best new music playlists in Australia struggle to come to a consensus, but four artists managed to rise just above the crowded pack. 🥇aleksiah, Amyl & The Sniffers, EGOISM, JK-47 🍟 Takeouts: —- 📸 Photo: JK-47 at The Lansdowne, June 2021 —-

New Music

aleksiah – Batsh*t

Most Playlisted

Most Playlisted: RINSE, Fool Nelson, Lime Cordiale

Most Playlisted This Week For an act as widely loved as Lime Cordiale to gain the most adds on the best Australian new music playlists is no surprise, but for more emerging acts like RINSE and Fool Nelson to keep pace with them and join them at the top of the list is heartening to […]

Making Noise

Making Noise: aleksiah

Sometimes, you grow followers steadily and slowly. More rarely, oodles of them show up overnight. In aleksiah’s case – after recently getting playlisted by some serious players – it’s the latter, racking up nearly a thousand Spotify followers in a week and putting some jet fuel into an already-solid growth spurt over the last ten […]

Most Playlisted

Most Playlisted: Girl and Girl, Nick Ward, Logan

It was a crowded pack this week on the nest new music playlists in Australia, but it was the more emerging acts that won out with Girl and Girl, Nick Ward, and Logan (pictured) all appearing at the top of the pile and bagging the most spots across the board. Most Playlisted This Week 🥇Girl […]