Most Playlisted

Most Playlisted: DOBBY, dust

Most Playlisted This Week DOBBY and dust topped the league for the most adds across the best Australian new music playlists this week. Both younger artists – of very different genres – it’s great to see each of them continue to get strong support across the board. 🥇dust, DOBBY 🥈merci, mercy, Hayley Mary, Girl and […]

Most Playlisted

Most Playlisted: Girl and Girl, Nick Ward, Logan

It was a crowded pack this week on the nest new music playlists in Australia, but it was the more emerging acts that won out with Girl and Girl, Nick Ward, and Logan (pictured) all appearing at the top of the pile and bagging the most spots across the board. Most Playlisted This Week 🥇Girl […]

Most Playlisted

Most Playlisted: flowerkid

flowerkid returned with a new EP, ‘LET IT BE ENOUGH’, tracks from which got scattered all over the best new music playlists in Australia, putting him at the top of the pile this week. Most Playlisted This Week 🥇flowerkid 🥈Hockey Dad 🥉ENOLA Hockey Dad’s latest, ‘Still Have Room’ was barely a smidge behind though with […]