Most Playlisted

Most Playlisted: Girl and Girl, Nick Ward, Logan

It was a crowded pack this week on the nest new music playlists in Australia, but it was the more emerging acts that won out with Girl and Girl, Nick Ward, and Logan (pictured) all appearing at the top of the pile and bagging the most spots across the board.

Most Playlisted This Week

🥇Girl and Girl, Nick Ward, Logan

🥈Hockey Dad, Donny Benét, Drunk Mums, The Terrys, Jaguar Jonze, A.GIRL, aleksiah

Right behind them were some more familiar artists, with Hockey Dad, Donny Benét, and Jaguar Jonze all getting strong support. 

It was a good week too though for Drunk Mums, The Terrys, A.GIRL, and aleksiah, who all kept pace with those more bold-faced names.

The image above is a screenshot of the top end of the full lists. You can see this week’s lists here – those are updated on Mondays and allow you to scroll down the whole list. That page also details a bit more about how the whole thing works and what the charts mean.

You can also listen to the most playlisted tracks on, er, a playlist that I keep updated here. This has got the latest 50-ish most playlisted tracks from the last month or so on it, and it’s a decent spin through recent tracks that Australian new music playlisters are adding. The playlists that I track are the same as the ones listed in the Playlist Guide.