Most Playlisted

Most Playlisted: King Stingray

Most Playlisted This Week Unsurprisingly – given they’re the single most widely playlisted artist across the last two years – King Stingray topped the pile as the most added this week across the best Australian new music playlists. 🥇King Stingray 🥈Betty Taylor, Somber Hills, Sycco, The Sunday Estate 🥉ioakim Just behind them, Sycco continued a […]

Most Playlisted

Most Playlisted: DOBBY, dust

Most Playlisted This Week DOBBY and dust topped the league for the most adds across the best Australian new music playlists this week. Both younger artists – of very different genres – it’s great to see each of them continue to get strong support across the board. 🥇dust, DOBBY 🥈merci, mercy, Hayley Mary, Girl and […]

New Music

ioakim – wishiwasyourgirlfriend

“Ringing like a struck bell, ioakim’s latest chimes and chings with a gentle but insistent urgency. A little bit woozy, a little bit dreamy, but it’s got enough fizz to force you to work to keep pace all the way to the finish line 🏁”


ioakim @ Factory Theatre, 24th Mar

“ioakim’s lyrical mind ranges all over the place, while the precise pop it produces is focussed and sharp, a set to think about while dancing to. Guitars poke through like spiked traps, unusual notions on their poisoned tips, while the drums and bass rumble underfoot. These songs are smart, sure, but never too clever for […]

Most Playlisted

Most Playlisted: Last Dinosaurs, Middle Kids, Royel Otis

New music started to be released in earnest this week, and while there was about half the average amount of new material playlisted, there were some crackers in there. Most Playlisted This Week 🥇Last Dinosaurs, Middle Kids, Royel Otis 🥈ioakim 🥉GAUCI In particular, new tracks from Last Dinosaurs, Middle Kids (pictured), and the still rapidly-growing […]

New Music

ioakim – alex

“Beefy and with a keen shine all over it, ioakim floats less but stings more than on previous releases. Precise and powerful, it lands the spike right where it needs to go 🐝’

Most Playlisted

Most Playlisted: CLEWS, Triple One, Folk Bitch Trio

The week belonged to CLEWS’ “Everything Is Heavy” and Triple One’s “PETER RABBIT”, both of which appeared on about a third of the best new music playlists in Australia. 🥇CLEWS, Triple One 🥈Abby Bella May, ioakim, merci, mercy 🥉Folk Bitch Trio, Forest Claudette, Ivoris, Jesswar, PRICIE, Suzi, Thundamentals, grentperez Abby Bella May’s fabulous new track […]


ioakim @ Mary’s Underground, 23rd Jun

“ioakim drops pop bombs indiscriminately, fueled by a light touch of guitar or by some truly stomach-churning bass. This might have been born in a bedroom, but out in the world it stands tall as all hell.” Gallery Learn More Facebook | Instagram